2025-2026 4th Grade Audition RegistrationStudent First NameStudent Last NameDate of BirthAgeCurrent SchoolCurrent 3rd Grade TeacherCurrent Dance School (if any)Dance Experience ** One year of formal ballet training required for incoming 4th gradersPARENT INFORMATIONParent 1 First NameParent 1 Last NameParent 2 First NameParent 2 Last NameHome TelephoneDaytime TelephoneStreet AddressCityZipEmail AddressDate of Audition: April 26, 2025Please note any questions or concernsI understand that our child is auditioning for a FULL-time public school position. I hereby hold harmless and covenant not to prosecute Northwest Florida Ballet, the NFB Académie, or the instructors in the case of injury suffered by my family members or me while on the premises. Additionally, I hereby grant Northwest Florida Ballet to use videotapes and other technology to evaluate my child during the NFB Académie audition process. *Parent/Guardian Printed NameDatePlease upload a 4x6 photo of your child••Initializing UploaderSubmit